Welcome To Golden Foo Dog Mushrooms, LLC


did you know

For thousands of years Eastern Asian cultures have consumed mushrooms for culinary and medicinal purposes.  It is just recently that we have begun to embrace this trend of how beneficial mushrooms can be to our lives and health.  These sometimes bizarre but familiar life forms have been associated with decay and death...now recognized as truly the ultimate recyclers, sophisticated forest communicators and ecosystem paragon.  They are appearing in savvy documentaries, anti-cancer protocols, longevity tonics, epicurean menus and morning beverages of choice.  We are being awakened to the mycelium network, the health and nutritional benefits of mushroom fruiting bodies and the crucial environmental role that our fungal partner provides.*

  * Rebecca R. Word, ND, Blue Ridge Naturopath Medicine



More Than Just

a Mushroom

Are you aware that …“92 percent of plants depend on mushroom mycelium to survive, something that is appreciated when you consider that 25 percent of earth’s biomass is fungi.  Human beings and mushrooms share roughly 85 percent of the same ribosomal RNA and nearly 50 percent of the same DNA rendering many forms of fungi extremely bioavailable for the human body”. **

** Isokauppila, Tero (2017), Healing Mushroom. Penguin Random House New York (2017). Page vii.


Closer Than You Think

Mushrooms have… “antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that hold great potential to combat many of our largest health problems, from cancer to diabetes and from auto-immune diseases to nervous system attacks.  Current research shows that functional mushrooms have a myriad of healing properties such as inhibiting cancer cell growth, balancing excess hormones and reducing chronic fatigue.  The list of vital nutrients and vitamins found in mushrooms are extensive”. **

** Isokauppila, Tero (2017), Healing Mushroom. Penguin Random House New York (2017). Page 8.


